Shopping pulse: Portugal!
This report explores the evolving shopping habits in Portugal.
This insights report provides an overview of how Portuguese go about their shopping and compares their habits to 11 other markets (the US, UK, Australia, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Sweden, Norway, and Finland).
Shopping habits and behaviors are changing, and the most significant shift is around digital. The Portuguese anticipate rapid digital transformation, notably with evolving digital payment preferences.
Happy exploring!
Klarna’s Survey was sent out online in collaboration with research agency Dynata to a representative sample of 1,013 Portuguese consumers aged 18-65+ in February 2022.
The Portuguese data has been compared to the countries in Klarna’s recurring Shopping Pulse, which includes 19,000 respondents across 11 countries (the US, UK, Australia, Belgium, France, Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and Finland).
1,013 Portuguese respondents
in comparison with 19,000 respondents, across 11 countries
The Portuguese are anticipating rapid digital transformation.
Online shopping has accelerated amid the pandemic. And there are no signs of the digital transformation slowing down. Shoppers’ preferences towards online shopping continue to rise even as restrictions in physical stores worldwide are easing.
A year from now.
Over the past two decades, online shopping has pivoted from something for early adopters and enthusiasts into the preferred way to shop for people worldwide. Technological innovation will continue to marvel and excite, retailers will continue to improve their digital offerings, and the digitalization of retail will continue to shape the future of shopping.
Portuguese shoppers believe they would shop mostly online a year from now, showing an increasing preference for online shopping.
Gen Zers believe the same, standing out as the generation thinking they would shop mostly online in the future.
Weekly online shoppers are less common in Portugal compared to other countries.
Portuguese shoppers’ preference for in-store shopping is noticeable—a higher proportion of purchases (on a weekly basis) are done in-store rather than online.
of Portuguese shoppers shop online at least once a week—which compared to other countries is the lowest.
difference compared to the average of other countries
Some categories appear more available online than others.
While some retail categories are shopped more often online, physical stores still see certain product types bought more often in-person. And the biggest differences are found across some of the most commonly-bought categories—indicating an opportunity for disruption—as online shopping’s main drivers are convenience and the ability to save time.
The charts below show the average percentage of shoppers in each market who have shopped the category online and in physical stores respectively.
Electronics and Entertainment
Are the only product categories in Portugal shopped more often online than in physical stores.
Clothing & Shoes
the largest online shopping category in other countries, are more often bought in physical stores (63%) than online (51%) in Portugal. However, Gen Z’ers are about as likely to shop both online (63%) as in physical stores (65%).
Main advantages of online shopping.
The convenience of shopping from the comfort of their own homes while saving time and money are considered the main advantages by online shoppers in Portugal.
Gen Z’ers
consider more personalized offers, better search functionalities, and the ability to create digital wishlists as more significant advantages as compared to older generations.
consider the price comparisons, wide range of products, and time saving as the significant advantages as compared to other generations.
Convenience is key.
Home delivery is the preferred delivery method for the vast majority, and “Click and collect” options comes in at a distant second place.
have the widest array of preferred delivery methods overall, yet home delivery outpaces everything with a staggering 87% preferring it.
Mobile shopping on the rise.
When shopping online, the majority of Portuguese shoppers prefer using computers. However, preferences are shifting as smartphones and tablets continue to take screen time from computers, and mobile devices are expected to play a central role in the continued digitalization of retail.
Mobile shopping is on the rise.
Mobile shopping has risen with the evolution of smartphones, and Portugal ranks among the top countries seeing the most rapid shift. Gen Zers and Millennials are the main drivers for this shift, but the older generations are not far behind.
7 in 10
of Portuguese shoppers shop more often on their mobile phone vs 2 years ago (before the pandemic).
of Baby Boomers in Portugal – more than their generational counterparts in all other countries – have done the same.
Computers are still preferred.
The majority of Portuguese consumers prefer computers over mobile devices when shopping online.
of Millennials prefer to use their mobile phones—the highest out of all generations in Portugal.
9th out of 12
Among the surveyed countries, Portugal ranks among the lowest for mobile preference.
Overview of mobile shopping-related activities.
More informed mobile shoppers.
While retail’s digitalization has given additional power to the consumer—including more choice and information—it has also made the decision-making process more complex. When shopping, mobile’s most valuable traits are price comparisons, and actively looking for deals and promotions. The ability to keep track of shopping deliveries and returns is also one of their top considerations when shopping online.
The chart illustrates the main activities of consumers when shopping with their mobile phone.
compare prices and look for deals and price promotions online.
First out of 12
The Portuguese are meticulous when it comes to using technology to keep track of their deliveries and returns.
Current online shopping hurdles.
The Portuguese intend to shop more online a year from now, but the current shopping experience is still too complex and inconvenient.
Investing in new technology
Share of Portuguese shoppers believing retailers need to continuously invest in new technology to meet the evolving expectations of consumers
Major drawbacks of online shopping.
Although online shopping is known to have many advantages (such as lower prices, gaining time or doing it from home, etc.) most consumers find certain disadvantages when doing so.
Shipping costs, the inability to see and try the product, and uncertain/long delivery times
are currently considered the top disadvantages of online shopping
of Gen Zers are considering the inability to see and try the product as the main online shopping disadvantage.
Lengthy refund processes.
The majority of online shoppers experience a similar hiccup in their experience, waiting several days for their refund after they’ve returned their items.
More than 7 days.
Portuguese shoppers wait anywhere from 3 to more than 7 days to get their money back after returning an online purchase.
The vast majority hesitate to buy online if they are uncertain.
Share of consumers who avoid ordering items online because they are not 100% certain that they will keep the purchase, and want to avoid returning it.
An inconvenient returns process.
The majority of consumers in Portugal find the returns process sub-optimal and believe retailers need to improve this area.
of Portuguese shoppers currently think retailers should improve their returns processes.
of Baby Boomers say the same, while 73% of Millennials seem to find returns a hurdle.
Evolving digital payment preferences.
Shoppers have a strong desire to shop more online but are held back by what they believe to be a cumbersome experience. Consumers are looking for better ways to pay and want retailers to invest in new technology to make the shopping experience better.
Online payments.
In addition to logistics and returns, payments are also perceived as major pain points: Half of the Portuguese shoppers (53%) are looking for easier ways to pay online, and 3 in 5 (60%) would be encouraged to buy more online if wider choices of payment options were available. For instance, 82% would think more positively towards an online retailer if shoppers could receive goods before paying the entire amount.
are concerned about the security of their payment information when shopping online
Try before you buy.
Today, customers expect variety among their payment methods. People would prefer to use payment methods that enable them to try goods out before paying.
of shoppers in Portugal would be more positive towards buying from an online store that enabled them to get goods delivered before paying.
Buy now, Pay Later.
There is a very positive sentiment for services enabling shoppers to receive goods before they pay among Portuguese online shoppers.
would like to try a Buy Now, Pay Later service—only 5% wouldn’t
say flexible payments would help them shop with peace of mind.
That’s it for this time!
The insights in Klarna’s Money Management Pulse is updated on a quarterly basis, so stay tuned for future updates.
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